EMR Carbon TEM Transmission Electron Microscope Support Films

EMR Carbon TEM Transmission Electron Microscope Support Films





EMR Formvar Carbon TEM Support Films


The C- range continuous Carbon only support films provide a thin electron transparent support without hydrocarbons present. A good solution for imaging nano-particles and viruses. Carbon film thickness is in the range of 15-20nm providing a thin consistent carbon film. The carbon TEM support films are electrically and thermally conductive under the electron beam at room temperature and provide image and specimen stability for high resolution imaging.

The carbon TEM support films are available on 200, 300 and 400 mesh copper, nickel and gold grids. See the matrix below for the currently available TEM support films with packaging sizes of 25, 50 and 100/box.


Grid Mesh

Carbon only TEM support films

200 square

Cu/ Ni / Au

300 square

Cu/ Ni / Au

400 square

Cu/ Ni / Au


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