TEAM WDS Analysis System

The addition of WDS to the TEAM Analysis System streamlines three microanalysis routines - energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and WDS - into one interface and provides the maximum materials insight quickly and easily.
The TEAM WDS Analysis System pairs TEAM software with a parallel beam WDS spectrometer. To complement EDS analysis for light element work, or where elemental overlaps cause serious problems, the microanalyst often employs a WDS spectrometer. The improved resolution and higher sensitivity of WDS deconvolutes peak overlaps and effectively exposes trace elements, providing the user with a clear picture of sample chemistry. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses can be run.
Spectrometer Hardware
TEAM WDS is available with one of the Lambda spectrometers:
- Lambda Plus - Delivers the maximum efficiency for transition element energies from 150 eV to 10 keV (B Kα to Ge Kα) using polycapillary optics.
- Lambda Super - Dual optics system that provides the ultimate efficacy for light elements, especially B, C, N, and O using high-collection, reflective, patent-pending X-ray optics. This combined with the polycapillary optics, extends the high intensity up to 16 keV, for a total range of operation from 100 eV to 16 keV.
In addition, the systems offer a mechanical design that can be mounted on most EDS ports on a scanning electron microscope (SEM), allowing the user greater freedom in system configuration compared to alternative WDS systems.
TEAM WDS Analysis Software
TEAM WDS introduces Smart Focus, a fully automated focusing routine that provides complete microscope optimization for WDS analysis. This key feature optimizes the stage position based on the WDS optic to guarantee the highest intensity for each element. Smart Focus brings a new level of speed and ease of use to WDS analysis by ensuring the highest quality data is collected on the first iteration. With Smart Focus, the user simply selects an element or energy range and is able to proceed to solve an EDS peak overlap in three clicks of the mouse without the worry of focusing the optic.
TEAM WDS is the perfect solution for:
- Low voltage microanalysis - where X-ray data below 5 keV is the only data available. The resolution of WDS is needed to achieve the desired accuracy, qualitative or quantitative analysis.
- Peak overlaps - especially at energies between 4 keV and 10 keV, where the K lines of transition elements and L lines of refractory elements significantly overlap.
- Trace analysis - the scientist may need to determine trace levels of elements within a complex matrix.